2023 True Friend Award Recipient – Chris Swan
This year our True Friend award is to Chris Swan, a former FoSI Board member who joined the Friends’ Garden Team in 2021. He came to the Park every day with his bicycle and tools, checked the dunes and garden fencing, pounding in stakes, fixing broken strings & stakes, putting up signs and repairing wooden frames and posts. At the Three Sisters Garden, he replaced almost every rail of the split rail fencing over a three year period, donating the lumber. He put a new frame around the Three Sisters information sign and repaired the Purple Martin sign frame. He repaired several signs for the Park Supervisor in 2021-2022 so that directions to the Nature Center would be obvious. Once a week he weed-whacked the paths around the Pollinator Garden and inside the Three Sisters Garden.
Chris is moving to Michigan to be near his children and grandchildren. We will miss his expertise and regular inspection and maintenance!