100 Trees for 100 Years

Many of the trees at Sherwood Island State Park have experienced over 100 years of life in coastal Connecticut.  As you might imagine, this harsh environment has taken its toll on our landscape, with several recent decimating storms causing the loss of over 100 trees.

Since the program started in 2014, we have planted over 44 trees and 15 shrubs. Our Park Supervisor and DEEP staff are involved and have volunteered their professional expertise for this effort.

How Can You Contribute

Make a donation of any amount to support the project. Your donation will help purchase a tree or shrub and help cover the costs of planting materials and maintenance.

Plant a Celebration Tree

Sponsor a tree or shrubs to honor a loved one, or to recognize a special occasion or accomplishment.  Sponsorships start at $100 and have included donations of $1,000 or more.

Help Us Restore Landscapes in the Park

In the West Grove area, where many gather at shaded picnic tables overlooking the Sound, we need to replace large trees destroyed by storms and anticipate the removal of historic trees nearing the end of their life span.  The Friends have planted and will continue to plant substantial size trees, including sturdy maples and oaks.

Help us restore our Owl Habitat 

We are working to restore the habitat for our Great Horned Owls, Barred Owls, and Saw-whet Owls and the area currently home to a pair of nesting Bald Eagles.

The project will involve the removal of compromised trees, control of invasive species, replanting native spruce, fir, and pines, and maintenance to prevent re-infestation of invasives.

We have just started on the project and could use your help. A donation of any amount will help us to purchase the trees and make sure they are protected for the future.

Tree Project Accomplishments

9/11 Memorial: Visitors come rear round to Connecticut’s 9/11 Memorial, set at the center point on the Sherwood Island shoreline, a distinctive skyline framed by trees.  Landscaping destroyed in the storms has been replaced with juniper trees, surrounded by northern bayberry bushes.

Pavilion Picnic Area:  Small flowering trees and shrubs have been included in the area surrounding the Pavilion, newly renovated by the state.

West Grove, Entrance Welcome & Dunes: Generous donations enabled the Friends to begin replacing lost or damaged trees in the West Beach grove area. Volunteers have planted native grasses at the main entrance and along a section of East Beach, to foster dune restoration.

Nature Center: At the Nature Center, hub for summertime environmental education in the park, the Friends and community volunteers have started and will continue to plant appropriate small trees and shrubs, fostering awareness of wildlife habitat needs.

What else can you do?

  • Help clear sites for bush/grasses
  • Work on fencing/ tree wrapping
  • Participate in soil testing
  • Identify/remove invasive species
  • Map current tree population
  • Assist in Habitat area fencing

Pavilion Tree Mosaic   

Artist Claudia Schattman has created a stunning Tree Mosaic to celebrate the trees of Sherwood Island, which can be found on the long Pavilion wall.  Plaques are under design to complement the mosaic and recognize individual, family or group tree and shrub sponsors.

Tree Project Sponsorship

100 Trees for One Hundred Years is sponsored by the Friends of Sherwood Island State Park, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization.  All plantings become the property of the State of Connecticut, and donations will be tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.