First Day Hike: Shore and More!
Main PavilionJoin us for a First Day Hike.
Join us for a First Day Hike.
Join our nature walk to find tracks, traces, dens and nests of February's species that mate in this month.
Nature photography walk using cellphone cameras.
Join us Saturday or Sunday, April 13 & 14 from 10 am to 2 pm to plant our next 100 foot+ section of beach grass in the East dunes. UConn...
Walk the East Beach with our Environmental Educators looking for state-protected horseshoe crabs and diamondback terrapins (turtles) that come ashore in May and June to lay eggs in the sand....
Join us for an Archaeology Walk on the Sherwood Island History Trail. The walk will be led by Archaeologists Dawn Brown and Ernie Wiegand. The walk will include points of...
Discover Sherwood Island! Go beach to beach on a Fun Walk along Long island Sound- discover habitats, inhabitants, birding locations, viewing platforms, a purple martin enclave, and other special features of...
See Sherwood Island from the water! Join us for an early morning paddle with Michele, a retired Coastal Kayak Instructor with twenty years teaching experience. Bring your own kayak, canoe, or...
Explore the northernmost edges of the Park. Meet at the Nature Center for a walk to explore the marshy shoreline of the park, led by a former CT Audubon Society...
Attend the Friends' Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 9. Meet the Board, Officers, Nature Center Interns and the Park Supervisor. Enjoy our 2 pm and 3 pm learning events and refreshments.
Purple Martin Bird Banding starts at 10am on June 27th (raindate June 28th). Please note, date may change due to the bird's (and DEEPs) schedule.
See some amazing birds of prey presented by the Earthplace staff on the porch of the Nature Center.