Meet Two Turtle Experts & Some Turtles

Herpetologists are scientists who study reptiles. Our guests today are turtle rehabilitators. They help turtles who’ve been injured so they can be released back into the wild. Sherwood Island State Park has wild, resident Diamondback Terrapins (DBT) and Snapping Turtles. Join us at the Nature Center. Pam Meyer is associated with Northeast Partners in Amphibian...

Purple Martins Banding

There is a thriving Purple Martin colony located adjacent to the Nature Center. Each spring, the birds return to breed. When the babies are large enough, we (carefully!) lower each colony gourd to count, weigh, and band the young. This year, there are approximately 112 fledglings that will be recorded. You can attend to observe...

Native American Herbal Favorites

Native Americans know and use hundreds of species of herbs. The Garden Team will show you a dozen in our garden. Join us at the Nature Center.