Five Irish Musicians on the Porch

Nature Center

Five Irish musicians will be playing some of their favorite tunes on the porch of the Nature Center at Sherwood Island, from 1-2 pm on Sunday, July 24. Bill Morse (Irish flute), Randi Weiner Gormley (mandolin) and her husband, Dave Gormley (guitar), Voni Healey McCrae (bodhran) and her husband, Jim McCrae (fiddle) are members of...

Meet the Turtles

Nature Center

Join us at the Nature Center on August 7 at 1 PM for a talk by permitted wildlife rehabilitator Pam Meier from The Turtle’s Back. Learn about and meet these important animals. All ages welcome.

Birds of Prey Encounter

In partnership with Earthplace. Two sessions: July 24 & August 14, 2 PM @ Nature Center. More details TBA.

Birds of Prey

At the Nature Center. In partnership with Earthplace.


Purple Martin Bird Banding

Nature Center

Purple Martin Bird Banding starts at 10am on June 27th (raindate June 28th). Please note, date may change due to the bird's (and DEEPs) schedule.

Birds of Prey

Nature Center

See some amazing birds of prey presented by the Earthplace staff on the porch of the Nature Center.

Meet the Turtles

Nature Center

Meet the Turtles with CT certified wildlife rehabilitator Jayne Sabovik. Indoors at the Nature Center - rain or shine!


Birds of Prey

At the Nature Center. In partnership with Earthplace.